Birthday party...great party. Pre party pictures...had a great time, then off to Lozen at Old School Pizzeria. Forgot camera in car...this happens often.
I ended up 15 feet from where my board decided to stop, enough time to get my hands out of my pockets. All good art feelings I had went out the window...wanted to do a whole wall of these skulls in different colors...stencil and my motivation failed...puppy dogs don't know about falling on skateboards, they do know about being cute. They know a lot.
it was all down hill from here. Been sick since Sunday, can't go to parties and Lozen shows...too many people, my immune system doth protest. That and I've had a hard time remembering to take pictures and/or thinking about taking pictures..too busy living! Note: Bombing hills at night rocking out is one of the best things in the world...then you hit a pot hole. Reality will come crashing in and eat your hand.
...with these two lovely ladies. We dined on pink sushi, ramen, and vegan donuts at the Red House...a wonderful evening wrapped up with a few episodes of The Trailer Park Boys.
Sleeping animals, a very old snowboard, original ripper taking care of business, art I did...forgot about...randomly ran into it out in the world, snow and the Olympia Film Society together at last....
is who I helped today, he's opening a upholstery store...always a pleasure to help royalty. "King of Olympia", that's what it says on his business's official.